Heart Rhythm Monitors

One of the benefits of attending a formal hospital based cardiac rehabilitation program is that most of the time your heart rhythm is monitored as you wear a telemetry monitor. With today’s advanced technology you can monitor your own heart rhythm at  home. There are many portable handheld monitors which you can capture a picture of your heart rhythm save it and bring it with you to your followup physician appointment. It is good to record this at rest, with peak exercise and if you are symptomatic. Below is a link to such a device.  Now don’t get sticker shock…this can be the co-pay amount of just one week’s visits to a cardiac rehabilitation program, and you get to keep this!  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA0AV05N5764&nm_mc=OTC-Froogle6&cm_mmc=OTC-Froogle6-_-Cardio+Equipment-_-Omron-_-9SIA0AV05N5764

Omron HCG-801 Portable ECG Handheld Heart Rate Monitor