101 Ways to Encourage

 Way to Go
 You’re Special
Well Done
I knew you could do it
I’m proud of you
Super star
Nice Work
Looking Good
You’re on ‘top of it
Your’re catching on
Now You’ve got it
How smart
Good Job
That’s incredible
Hot dog
Remarkable job
You’re beautiful
You’re a winner
You make me happy
Hip hip hooray
You’re important
You’re on target
You’re on your way
How nice
You’re spectacular
You’re darling
Super job
Beautiful work
Good for you
Nothing can stop you
You’re fantastic
Great Discovery
You are responsible
You are exciting
You are fun
You’re a real trooper
You’re perfect
You’re growing up
You’re important
You tried very hard
You figured it out
What a good listener
You’re a treasure
You mean a lot to me
You’re a great friend
That’s correct
A big hug
What an imagination
You learned it right
You’re incredible
Now you’re flying
I like you
I really respect you
You’re sensational
A+ Job
Hooray for you
You’re unique
You care
Creative job
You belong
You brighten my day
Super work
That’s the best
You just made my day
Say I love you
Beautiful sharing
You mean the world to me
Outstanding performance
You’ve got a friend
You’re a joy
You make me laugh
You’re A-OK my friend
I trust you
You’re wonderful
A big kiss for you
Exceptional performance
You’ve discovered the secret
I can count on you
You’re right on the money
You’re the BEST

Healthy eating tips for heart patients

After heart surgery most patients have a very poor appetite for the first three months.

The first month the medical advice is to eat anything. This isn’t a problem as the body needs extra fuel for healing, but in reality many don’t eat much because food doesn’t taste the same or smell the same. This is thought to be an effect from anesthesia. Most of the time is takes 1-3 months for the taste and appetite to come back to normal. After the first month, patients are instructed to eat a heart healthy diet. That can be a little vague, and different health care practitioners have conflicting ideas of what a heart healthy diet is. In my career it was challenging as one physician  might promote a Dean Ornish vegetarian diet, and the next might promote a Mediterranean  diet, or American Heart Association, Dash diet etc. There are common nutritional principles that all heart patients should try to adhere to.


Tip #1: Know your Caloric needs.

How many calories do you actually need every day? Here are a couple of resources that will help guide you:

Tip #2: Enjoy your food, but eat mindfully

Take the time to fully enjoy your food while you’re eating it (instead of just devouring everything on your plate). Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues before, during and after meals. Be mindful of them and use them to tell you when you’re should be full. Remember it takes about 20 minutes for the food you heave eaten to signal your brain if you are still hungry. For this reason eating slowly, and being aware of the quantity, rather than listening for your body to say it is full. It is ok not to finish everything on your plate.

#3: Avoid oversized portions.

Learn what is the true portion size of the food you are eating. If you are going to overeat eat a larger portion of vegetables. Try using a smaller plate, bowl and glass.  When you’re eating out, try splitting a dish or take home part of your meal.

Tip #4: Foods to eat more often.

 These are all the foods you know are good for you: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, etc. Make them the basis for meals and snacks. Try getting 2 cups of veggies, 1.5 cups of fruit and 3 servings of low-fat dairy or lean protein each day.

Tip #5: Decrease the unhealthy foods in the diet

Foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt (e.g. cakes, cookies, ice cream, pizza, fast food, sweetened drinks, etc.) should be cut back in the diet. Try to avoid these as part of your daily meal intake.

Tip #6: Hydrate with healthy fluids

Drink water, sparkling water mixed with a splash of juice, tea, or sparkling water instead of high calorie drinks. High calorie drinks include soda, alcoholic beverages, juices, energy drinks and sports drinks. If you are on a fluid limitation, poor the recommended amount of fluid in a container and use it to help you visualize the amount of liquid you should have each day.

Tip #7: Pay attention to added sodium in foods

 Read the labels and choose the lower sodium option for breads, canned goods, and soups. Choose packaged products with labels like “low sodium,” “no salt added,” or “reduced sodium.” Fresh, foods have the least sodium. If it comes from a box, a can, or is ready to eat, it is probably loaded in sodium. Water added usually means sodium added, this is common in poultry. 1500 mgs a day is the recommended amount for heart patients. I had one patient that lost 45 lbs, simply by tracking sodium and adhering to recommendations, it has so far saved him from the disabling CHF symptoms he was experiencing.

Sodium sources are not only food! The medicine cabinet is often an unrecognized source of sodium. Many prescription and non-prescription drugs, such as antacids, ibuprofen, sleep aids, heartburn relievers and cold medicines, have large amounts of sodium. Some antacids have upwards of 250 mg of sodium per tablet. Before taking any medication, it’s always best to consult a doctor, especially if you’re watching your sodium intake for health purposes.  

Most people are unaware of the amount of sodium that comes from our tap water. It varies significantly from state to state, but the public health department in any area should be able to provide information on the exact amount of sodium in the water. Even if a home employs a water-softening system, there’s still a certain amount of sodium in the drinking water, since many of these units use sodium as a softening agent. The amount is solely dependent on the type of system installed and the hardness of the water in that area. Bottled waters, especially mineral waters, can also contain significant amounts of sodium.

Tip #8: Keep your dairy low-fat 

Drinking whole milk is the equivalent of 3 pats of butter, 2% is 2 pats of butter, 1% is one pat of butter. And low-fat cheese is a good substitute for full-fat cheese, but if you are going to use regular cheese, try using a smaller quantity.


Tip #9: Get healthy fats in your diet every day

 When you’re cooking, choose oils high in monounsaturated fats like olive or canola oil. These are better choices, but don’t use large amounts, as oil is high in calories. A pump oil spray is a good way of adding a little oil and avoiding chemicals. Avoid products containing trans fats. Read the labels and avoid hydrogenated oil or shortening or partially hydrogenated oils. This is the same as eating shortening.

Tip #10: Get out of  your comfort zone

Many people won’t try new or unusual foods. They are stuck in a rut of eating the same foods, because it is what they know and like. Try new foods regularly. Especially try different vegetables. If you always cook your foods a certain way, challenge yourself, try sauteing, steaming, fresh, juicing, combining with other foods, adding nuts or seeds to foods.

Tip #11: Know your issues

Some heart patients have to be very aware of vitamin Kin diet, if they are on coumadinKeep your intake of foods rich in vitamin K about the same each day. For example, you may plan to eat only ½ cup of these foods per day. If you like these foods and eat them often, you can eat more, but be consistent. It is a common misconception for patients to think they have to avoid foods rich in Vitamin K, it is more important however to get these in the diet, but as mentioned be consistent and get the same amount each day.

Other’s need to be more aware of the potassium or protein contents of foods.  Certain diseases (e.g., kidney disease and gastrointestinal disease with vomiting and diarrhea) and drugs, especially diuretics (‘water pills’), remove potassium from the body. Potassium supplements are taken to replace potassium losses and prevent potassium deficiency. If you can meet with a dietitian to help you understand what the sources of these nutrients are. If you can’t meet with a dietitian do your research, but don’t ignore the recommendations as many can be life threatening if not adhered to.




Urgent need for Physical Activity

The chief cause of obesity is physical inactivity, which is rapidly spreading from North America to the rest of the world. About 31% of the world’s adults, or about 1.5 billion people, are almost completely sedentary, meaning that they do not meet the minimum recommendation of 150 minutes of walking or other moderate activity per week, or about 20 minutes a day.

Teenagers are faring even worse. More than 80 percent of young people ages 13 to 15 worldwide are not getting the hour a day of vigorous exercise recommended for their age group.

Unsurprisingly, North America leads the world in not exercising, with 43.3 percent of Americans not reaching the low recommended threshold. But the world is catching up or, rather, joining us in sitting down. More than 34 percent of Europeans are inactive, 30 percent of Russians, ditto in the Middle East, and about 27 percent of Africans are sedentary.

Those of us that want to exercise regularly must realize that we are working against cultural forces. Stay focused on the best way to live for yourself.