Tweak you Week! Make your day HARDER!

This is too good not to share. I found this posted by Carolyn Thomas on  She is a wonderful advocate on women and heart disease. This is a 4 minute video on a movement to “Make your day HARDER” due to our generation of sitting. I think of my children as I watch this, are we subjecting are youth to heart disease? We have better knowledge of the effects of smoking and have worked hard to improve diet, however they spend the majority of their youth sitting. Sure they are involved in sports but the vast percentage of the time our children sit. How do we go about changing this to ensure they have a  healthy future?



For a healthy heart eat a rainbow every day!

Fiber, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, high nutrients, low-calorie, no artificial flavors or colors, natural sugars are part of a heart healthy diet and all easily available in a diet rich in colorful vegetables. If it is hard to get your servings of vegetables per day consider smoothies, chopping into small pieces adding small amounts to every meal you make. Ask yourself are you getting 4 1/2 cups a day of vegetables? Most will say no. Try new vegetables, search the internet for recipes.

Infection Prevention MRSA

Infection Travel Safety Tips For Summer


Heart patients be alert for signs of infection. Immune systems are often compromised following hospitalizations. Protect your open wounds. Here are some very helpful tips to prevent one of the more challenging infections routinely seen postoperatively, MRSA. At the first sign of infection be sure to be seen by your primary care doctor and/or cardiologist. 

Tissue-paper thin but tough, the valves of the the human heart.

Tissue-paper thin but tough, the valves of the human heart open and close to pump 6 quarts of blood a day through 60,000 miles of vessels. That’s equivalent to 20 treks across the United States from coast to coast.

Info & Photo from Natural Geographic

 Beautiful: The Inside of the Heart!</p><br /><p>Tissue-paper thin but tough, the valves of the human heart open and close to pump 6 quarts of blood a day through 60,000 miles of vessels. That's equivalent to 20 treks across the United States from coast to coast. </p><br /><p>Info & Photo from Natural Geographic