Me and My Heart: Lessons Learned as a Cardiac Patient

my pink ink

One year ago today I learned I had a blood clot in my coronary artery. You don’t go through a medical adventure like this unchanged, and as I reflected on the past 12 months I thought about what I’ve learned.

Know, trust and take care of your body.

I’ve always been pretty in tune with mine and it paid off – my cardiologist told me I was fortunate to have felt those early warning signs, and by catching the clot early I avoided a heart attack. I avoided a heart attack. So many people dismiss the symptoms of health problems, which can lead to more severe diagnoses and even death. Please, please, please – know what’s “normal” for your body, and don’t be afraid to get something that doesn’t feel right checked out.

There was a period of time when I was scared to exercise because I didn’t trust…

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