How Laughter Impacts Your Heart Health

When is the last time you had a good guttural laugh? You know the kind, where you feel like you are short of breath, your stomach and face muscles feel sore, the kind that puts a smile on your face when you think of it later?  This kind of laughing has similar effects on the body as exercise does, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress hormones,  and burning calories.

There are some claims that children laugh more than 300 times a day, whereas adults laugh less than 20 times a day.  Studies have shown people with heart disease responded less humorously to everyday life situations.  They generally laughed less, even in positive situations, and they displayed more anger and hostility. Other studies have shown higher instances of conditions such as heart disease and dementia among those who live in isolation. Many who are socially isolated don’t get the opportunity each day to smile and laugh.  If you struggle with social isolation, challenge yourself to find a way to laugh. It may be laughing at yourself, watching a funny movie, doing laughing exercises, joining a laughing group,or  finding laughs on the internet. Challenge yourself to laugh.

Here are a couple of links to videos of laughing exercises:

Laughing Workout

Laughter Exercises